Dr. Yangfan Li currently leads a research group named 'Coastal Urbanization and Regional Eco-environmental Change, CoUREC' at the College of Environment and Ecology, Coastal and Ocean Management Institute, and State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, China. He does research in the coastal interface of ocean and city. His current project is 'Coastal Resilience: Land-Water-Biodiversity Nexus'.
Research Interests: Coastal Resilience, Ocean Cities and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Integrated Ocean Management (IOM), Remote Sensing of Environment and Spatial Planning
Prospective Students and Employment: If you are interested in pursuing a PhD or MA with me, or working with my group as post-docs, analysts, and research assistants, please send me your CV (or resume) and a detailed description of your research interests and why you'd like to work with me.

For more details about him, please visit:
LI, Yangfan, Tel:+86-592-2880256 E-mail:yangf@xmu.edu.cn
Website @ MEL: http://mel2.xmu.edu.cn/faculty/yangfanli
Website @ ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yangfan_Li